Our Latest Episode
Ep 69: Transformed-Firdaus & Suresh
Everyone has some aspect of their personality or character that they would like to make changes to. Some of them are easier than others. The hard ones require persistence and courage. Throughout this series, you will hear very real and personal stories of adversity, courage and victory told by those who lived these experiences.
With us today to share their stories are Firdaus and Suresh.
Ep 63: Raising Future-Ready Kids
Hot Potatoes
Change is taking place all the time. But in the last 50 years, the rate of change has been increasing exponentially. At this rate, the future will be exciting and unpredictable. How then can parents prepare their children for it? How can parents raise future-ready kids starting today?
Ep 60: Puppy Love
Hot Potatoes
It's natural for humans to be attracted to another person and it start as young as when we were kids. Do you remember your first crush? On our new series call "Hot Potatoes" we discuss difficult situations parents face with their children and provide some practical tips on how to handle them. Today, we discuss about "Puppy Love".
Ep 62: Eat Sleep and Move
Hot Potatoes
Our children are not moving enough, not sleeping enough, and eating too much. Although it has not reached crisis level yet, there are reasons to be concerned and the government saw the need to come up with a 24-hour activity guidelines for children and teens. Is this issue a hot potato? We think it is and we’ll be discussing it today.